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Sep 19

House to Astonish Episode 23

Posted on Saturday, September 19, 2009 by Al in Podcast

We’ve been away for a little while but we’re back, with loads of chat on the Marvel/Disney thing and the DC Entertainment kerfuffle, plus reviews of Vengeance of the Moon Knight, Beasts of Burden and Sweet Tooth. There’s also chat about the comics company we’ve bought, organically produced supervillains and cuckoo clocks, and the Official Handbook looks at… the Red Skull?

The episode is available to download here – as always, let us know what you think, by comment, email, twitter or secret coded messages in album cover art.

Bring on the comments

  1. Brack says:

    Joe Q. intimated in this Cup of Joe –, that there’s all sorts of legal red tape surrounding the Malibu characters.

  2. lloyd says:

    I’d like to book Dr. Septapus, Magnety and Bronze Monger.

  3. Matthew says:

    I think the “legal red tape” is that the original contracts signed by the creators of the Malibu characters means they get paid if the characters are ever used, and Marvel just isn’t interested in doing that.

  4. mark coale says:

    good show as always.

    I love the Commie Smasher Cap and that Red Skull.

    As a wrestling fan, Paul will appreciate that the “franchising” of the Red Skull reminded me of one of my favorite lines ever from the Wrestling Observer. Shane Douglas said he would “franchise Ric Flair’s ass” and Meltzer asked if that meant Douglas would be opening a chain of restaurants called “Ric Flair’s Ass.”

  5. mark coale says:

    Also, isn’t the “not the real X” already a popular trope in Marvel books, to explain out-of-character behavior by a character in a nother book?

    I think specifically of when Byrne retconned that the Dr Doom that had a match struck on his chest by Wolverine was actually a robot and Doom had the robot destroyed for letting that stand.

  6. Tom Clarke says:

    @Matthew: Nah, what it’ll probably be is the time-honoured game of “Who do we have to pay to be certain we won’t get sued”, which is almost certainly not worth playing with the Malibu properties.

  7. Tom Clarke says:

    I was sort of hoping for your feelings on “Batman and Robin and Philip Tan”. Personally, it’s worse than Quitely, but not the “nightmare appalling cluster-****”, that everyone seemed to be worrying about. Certainly, any drop in quality is balanced by the fact that it is in fact out, and not on Quitely’s drawing board.

  8. Mark Clapham says:

    Yeah, I thought the first Tan issue was pretty good, all in all. Not as good as Quitely, obviously, but still good.

    Cameron Stewart is a much better pick for the other non-Quitely arc though. Can’t wait for that.

  9. Russ says:

    Should the booking firm be Loki’s Hokey Criminals? I want to get Mock Octopus for a Bar Mitzvah.

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