Marvel 75th Anniversary Omnibus – The Vote Result and Next Step
Evening all, just a quick update – if you’re interested, my kid arrived last Wednesday, she’s called Lana Quinn Kennedy and she’s world champion at peeing when you take her nappy off to change her. All is well. We are very, very tired.
But anyway, that’s not what you’re wondering about. You’re on tenterhooks to find out which issue, out of the six nominees for HtA official choice, is the one that we’re going to be asking you to email Marvel about.
Some of the options (Spectacular Spidey, with two votes, and Gen X and Excalibur, with five votes apiece) fell a bit short. Fantastic Four, with eight votes, did well, and for a while it had some real momentum behind it. In the end, though, it came down to Damage Control and Thunderbolts. The winner, with 15 votes to its opponent’s 12, was…
(talent show pause)
Thunderbolts v1 #1
The next step is for us to let Marvel know that it’s something that we think deserves inclusion in the book. The way to do that is to email and nominate that issue. Feel free, of course, to nominate any others you think should be in there, so long as you remember to stick Tbolts 1 on your list.
The issues that were nominated were chosen on the basis that they were ones that spoke to the variety and fun of Marvel’s works over the past 75 years, but were also ones that were perhaps less likely to make it in as “automatic” choices. Hopefully we’ll get to see Thunderbolts make the cut; if not, nobody can say we didn’t try!
Are we mentioning the podcast…?
(also, somethingsomething Finding Zemo.)
I remember that when they did the vote to decide if Death’s Head or Woodgod was coming back as part of Amazing Fantasy it was rigged and Death’s Head had already been picked by Marvel editorial.
So when the Marvel site says “Once the votes are in, we’ll choose the best ones to print in this enormous 1200 page book” I think they’re just going to print the ones they’ve already picked out.
But I voted for Thunderbolts #1 anyway.
Congratulations on the new addition to your family!
Congrats Al! When you and Paul are old(er) and balder may she and Paul’s offspring take over the House to Astonish and lead it well!
I’m shocked that Runaways did not get more votes and will now have to read volume 1 of Thunderbolts to see if it deserves my vote!
I wrote a little letter to go with my nom. Think I may actually have oversold the comic to the people who freakin’ published it.
I really hope ‘Ringo gets a book in there, as well, though. AND SLINGERS #1 OBVIOUSLY.
Congrats. My son was a big fan of pooping the second his diaper was removed. Then laughing.
Congratulations to you and your family, Al!
Congratulations Al. ‘The never empty nappy’ sounds like a pretty bold story arch for House to Astonish; the World’s Greatest Podcast.
Matthew, I think I put Slingers #1 in my email as well.
We use the phrase poosplosion quite a lot to cover what you’re experiencing. You’re never adequately prepared…
They just released the content for the Omnibus, and T-Bolts #1 is included. Well done, you!