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Jul 1

House to Astonish Episode 109

Posted on Monday, July 1, 2013 by Al in Podcast

We’re a day or two late, but we have a lean slice of chat for you this time round, with news on Comixology’s new subscriptions and bundles, the six new launches from Vertigo and Gerry Conway’s comics creators royalty drive. We’ve also got reviews of Uncanny, Batman/Superman and Lazarus, and the Official Handbook of the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe is engaging in a cavalcade of crime. All this plus a village fête, the smell of paraffin and a taser taped to a rabbit.

The podcast is here, or here on Mixcloud, or available via the player below. Let us know what you think, in the comments below, on Twitter, via email or on our Facebook fan page.

Remember, it’s never too early to buy a House to Astonish t-shirt from our Redbubble store – they’re the coolest possible way to stop yourself for being arrested for public indecency.


Bring on the comments

  1. Brian says:

    Forget The Trump — I want Taser Rabbit!

  2. Brian says:

    Taser Rabbit, Savage Taser Rabbit, Astonishing Taser Rabbit…

  3. Paul F says:

    The Toby Litt Dead Boys Detectives has been a running feature through the last few Vertigo anthologies. It’s like a 2000AD serial, except instead of being weekly, they bring out eight pages every five-six months. It is not a good way to tell a story.

  4. Daibhid Ceannaideach says:

    Understanding the end of Superman/Batman probably relies on having read Earth-2 and recognising Earth-2 Batman’s costume. And even then it took me a few readings.

  5. Odessasteps says:

    Funny to mention The Unwritten and Fables, since they just started a cross-over between the two books.

  6. The original Matt says:

    I reckon you guys should put out an official handbook special. Not even a best of, just all official handbook sections to date. I’d download the fuck out of that.

  7. Si says:

    Have you seen that video where Mr. Rogers stands up in congress and successfully argues for funding for PBS?*
    Anyway, that’s what fellow kids’ show entertainer The Trump is probably up to. It was probably him who talked congress into passing the Superhero Registration Act, for example.

    *if you haven’t, do so immediately. It will restore all faith in humanity even if, like me, you don’t really know who Mr Rogers is.

  8. Thrills says:

    “Glen Michael’s Crime Cavalcade” totally makes a kind of sense. Perhaps a Scottish telly superhero universe is something to think about, in the run-up to the Independence Referendum?

    Paul Coya as low-rent Superman analogue? Wee Davie Sneddon as sidekick? Grant Stott and John Leslie as some kind of seedy Fenris Twins?

    The possibilites are literally possibilities.

  9. Daibhid Ceannaideach says:

    Don’t foget the actual Scottish TV superhero!

    Stand back Superman, Iceman, Spider-Man, Batman and Robin too…

  10. entzauberung says:

    I’ve read Daredevil #203, it’s a pretty good fill-in to be honest. The main plot is about Murdock defending one of his childhood bullies and the Trump is mainly there to provide an action scene, but Grant actually makes a (perhaps futile) attempt to sell him as a threat.

  11. Max says:

    If I remember right, Milligan’s Elektra came right after her stint as a supporting character in Wolverine. I didn’t touch the book, but I recall Wolvie being in the first issue form the promos.

  12. Greg Burgas says:

    Aaron Campbell drew Garth Ennis’s arc on The Shadow. He also drew some of Dynamite’s Sherlock Holmes comics – Year One, maybe? Anyway, he’s been working for Dynamite for a while, and he’s always getting better, which is nice.

  13. Thrills says:

    Daibhid Ceannaideach, It’s time Supergran had an abysmal, gritty modernisation. Whimsical comedy just won’t cut it for the average ageing superhero fan. Maybe she can be a kind of super-powered bitter old racist, with a bad hip?

  14. The original Matt says:

    Regarding Elektra. It did come off a lead in from Wolverine (101-106 I believe) and then she got her own title. Wolverine had only a few minor cameos. The first 8 issues were fun, but I stopped at issue 10.

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