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Nov 12

Daredevil Villains #7: Stilt-Man

Posted on Sunday, November 12, 2023 by Paul in Daredevil

Daredevil #7 doesn’t have a villain – it’s a fight with Namor the Sub-Mariner, who was just about to launch his own feature in Tales to Astonish. So we move on to…

DAREDEVIL #8 (June 1965)
“The Stiltman Cometh”
Writer, editor: Stan Lee
Artist: Wally Wood
Letterer: Sam Rosen
Colourist: Not credited

In the first instalment of this series, I asked whether people could name ten Daredevil villains. Well, here’s one that plenty of people remembered: Stilt-Man. (In fact, in this issue he’s Stilt Man or Stiltman. He won’t get the hyphen until later. But I’ll go with the more familiar version of the name here.)

Everyone remembers Stilt-Man, even if they don’t remember a single one of his stories. Once seen, he’s not easy to forget. He is iconically lame. Silver Age Marvel was fairly light on completely ridiculous villains, and when Marvel did stray into this territory, they often leaned into it. But in his debut, Stilt-Man is played mostly straight. He’s certainly presented as a real threat.

So thing that really makes him stick in the mind is the “what were they thinking” factor. Sure, it’s a struggle to keep thinking of new gimmicks for villains. But… stilts? Even if you’re picking words at random from the dictionary… stilts? Massive, clearly impractical, skyscraper-sized stilts? There’s something adorably mundane about the whole concept of a stilt-themed supervillain, no matter how extraordinary those stilts may be. Did someone have a traumatic childhood experience with a stilt? Even the pros look tentative and awkward moving on stilts. Their height doesn’t translate into an intimidation factor. Nobody has ever looked at a stilt-walker and thought, I bet they’d be dangerous in a fight.


Nov 10

Uncanny Spider-Man #3 annotations

Posted on Friday, November 10, 2023 by Paul in Annotations

As always, this post contains spoilers and page numbers go by the digital edition.

Writer: Si Spurrier
Artist: Javier Pina
Colourist: Matt Milla
Letterer: Joe Caramagna
Design: Tom Muller & Jay Bowen
Editor: Sarah Brunstad

COVER / PAGE 1. Nightcrawler fights Silver Sable.

PAGES 2-4. Nightcrawler fights Gaap and the Wild Pack.

The narrators here are the Vulture and Nimrod.

Gaap the Integument is said to be a Deviant; he’s a new character. Gaap is a traditional demon name; an “integument” is just a tough outer protective layer. Gaap is wearing the same mind control device that was used on Rhino last issue and on Nightcrawler in X-Men: Before the Fall – Sons of X #1. Obviously, this is a repeat of the same basic idea that was tried that issue with the Rhino: lure out Nightcrawler so the Wild Pack can try to catch him.

Nightcrawler has apparently embraced the nickname “Creepy Crawler”, after initially calling himself Spinnenmann.


Nov 9

X-Men Red #17 annotations

Posted on Thursday, November 9, 2023 by Paul in Annotations

As always, this post contains spoilers, and page numbers go by the digital edition.

X-MEN RED vol 2 #17
“The Avatar of Life”
Writer: Al Ewing
Artist: Yildiray Çinar
Colour artist: Federico Blee
Letterer: Ariana Maher
Design: Tom Muller & Jay Bowen
Editor: Jordan D White

COVER / PAGE 1. Apocalypse holds… well, some sort of energy ball with the logo.

PAGES 2-4. Apocalypse and Vulcan.

Last issue ended with Apocalypse, the hooded guy and his sidekick demon – named later in the issue as “Orc” – arriving in the Autumn Lands and declaring that he would “remake the world” there. He specifically mentioned a “sun caged below”, referring to Vulcan, who was imprisoned there in issue #10. Evidently Apocalypse has just freed Vulcan between issues.

Vulcan assumes that Apocalypse is (as usual) recruiting a new Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and asks whether he’s going to be Death – though with an obvious double meaning, threatening Apocalypse. Apocalypse acknowledges that he’s formed plenty of Horsemen groups in the past, all named after the four children who he lost when Arakko was severed from Earth, and he claims to have had a hand in adding their names to “the sacred texts of humankind” – i.e., the Book of Revelation.


Nov 8

X-Force #46 annotations

Posted on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 by Paul in Annotations

As always, this post contains spoilers, and page numbers go by the digital edition.

X-FORCE vol 6 #46
“A Tale of Two Brothers”
Writer: Benjamin Percy
Artist: Robert Gill
Colour artist: GURU-eFX
Letterer: Joe Caramagna
Designers: Tom Muller & Jay Bowen
Editor: Mark Basso

COVER / PAGE 1. Mikhail and Colossus fight. Not wild about that movie advert banner we seem to be getting on every cover this month, but hey, needs must.

PAGES 2-4. Mikhail appeals to Colossus.

This is where we left off last issue. The black void is one of the dimensional rifts that Mikhail created using his powers; Chronicler sent Colossus here last issue in order to provide him with some sort of resolution after being ordered to move on to writing about a new subject in Orchis.

Mikhail makes a last ditch appeal to Colossus as a brother, which is almost certainly insincere. Bear in mind that in issue #44, Mikhail was completely indifferent to Chronicler’s warnings that Colossus could die if he simply dropped control. Mikhail also seems to misread Colossus’ likely reaction to being told that the Beast had the right idea.

That said… the Beast would doubtless say that “Fall of X” does vindicate him. This is precisely the sort of existential threat to Krakoa that he was working to stop all this time, and as soon as he was taken off the board, look what happened. Except of course that there’s no evidence at all that Beast saw any of Orchis’ angles coming – in particular, he evidently failed to spot the doctoring of Krakoan drugs. But the way things have worked out, the Beast has the opportunity to make the claim and to disavow any responsibility.


Nov 5

Daredevil Villains #6: Mister Fear

Posted on Sunday, November 5, 2023 by Paul in Daredevil

DAREDEVIL #6 (February 1965)
“Trapped By … the Fellowship of Fear”
Writer, editor: Stan Lee
Artist: Wally Wood
Letterer: Sam Rosen
Colourist: uncredited

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out the thinking behind this one. Daredevil is the Man Without Fear. It says so on the cover. So clearly his natural enemy is someone who inspires fear. Hence, Mister Fear. Job done. Pub?

Even without Daredevil’s gimmick to play off, fear is a fine motif for a villain. After all, over at DC, it’s  the Scarecrow’s whole thing. But that’s hindsight. At this point, the Scarecrow is a villain who appeared in two stories during World War II and was never seen again. He won’t be revived for another couple of years. The fear motif is open for use. So once again, Daredevil gets in first with a version of an idea that another character will get right in a few years time.

But Mr Fear doesn’t stick around. The identity doesn’t get revived for years, and even then, it’s someone else under the mask. So what went wrong?

We might start by asking whether Daredevil’s “Man Without Fear” tagline is anything more than a tagline. Is the idea really central to the character? Is Daredevil noticeably more fearless than any other superhero? Well, not really. His central gimmick is his blindness and the way he works around that with his other senses. There are moments in the early issues which really play down how much he’s getting from his radar sense and suggest that he’s taking incredible risks on the information available to him, to be sure. There’s one in this issue, where he jumps from a rooftop to attack some bad guys and, if you take the dialogue literally, he’s just hoping that there’s going to be a lamppost to grab hold of.


Nov 4

Charts – 3 November 2023

Posted on Saturday, November 4, 2023 by Paul in Music

For two weeks, Kenya Grace’s “Strangers” has held off cässo’s “Prada” by a tiny margin. This week, “Strangers” drops to number 4. Is it finally cässo’s time? No, of course it isn’t.

1. Taylor Swift – “Is It Over Now (Taylor’s Version)”
2. Taylor Swift – “Now That We Don’t Talk (Taylor’s Version)”
5. Taylor Swift – “‘Slut!’ (Taylor’s Version)”

The maximum three songs from “1989 (Taylor’s Version)”, which enters the album chart as her 11th number 1. These three are all previously unreleased “vault” songs, which understandably get the most attention from her fanbase.

I’d say these songs have placed in reverse order of interest? “Is It Over Now” is very much what you’d expect from a song that didn’t make the cut for a Taylor Swift album, and what sort of lyric is “Oh Lord, I think about jumping / Off of very tall somethings”? “Now That We Don’t Talk” is a rather better break-up song, and “‘Slut!'” appears to be a song about the reaction from her famous boyfriend’s fans.


Nov 1

X-Men #28 annotations

Posted on Wednesday, November 1, 2023 by Paul in Annotations

As always, this post contains spoilers, and page numbers go by the digital edition.

X-MEN vol 6 #28
“Jail Break!”
Writer: Gerry Duggan
Artist: Joshua Cassara
Colour artist: Marte Gracia
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Design: Tom Muller & Jay Bowen
Editor: Jordan D White

COVER / PAGE 1. Firestar fights the Juggernaut.

PAGES 2-5. Sunfire is found by Apocalypse.

Sunfire was last seen in this book at the end of issue #24. In that issue, Magik transported him to Otherworld so that he could set out on a quest to retrieve Redroot, the Cypher-equivalent for Arakko, who had been trapped in Otherworld since “X of Swords”. The issue ended with a flash forward marked “X months later” (sic, but let’s assume Otherworld has wonky time), with Sunfire and Redroot basically as we see them here.

In the interim, Sunfire’s story has been covered in X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic in a storyline that ended this week. For present purposes, all you really need to know is that Orchis had set up a Blightswell processing facility in Blightspoke, and they were using Redroot there. Sunfire is briefly captured but escapes with Redroot. Thanks to his injuries from fighting Orchis, he also bonds with her as some sort of healing measure. Redroot herself remains basically a non-character throughout.


Oct 28

Uncanny Spider-Man #2 annotations

Posted on Saturday, October 28, 2023 by Paul in Annotations

As always, this post contains spoilers, and page numbers go by the digital edition.

“Blue Streak”
Writer: Si Spurrier
Artist: Lee Garbett
Colour artist: Matt Milla
Letterer: Joe Caramagna
Design: Tom Muller & Jay Bowen
Editor: Sarah Brunstad

COVER / PAGE 1. Nightcrawler fights the Rhino.

PAGES 2-3. Nightcrawler and Mystique.

We saw Mystique last issue, wandering around Central Park mostly in the form of a homeless person. Since Nightcrawler says they’ve had several previous encounters, this presumably isn’t an immediate continuation from the previous issue. Mystique suffered an aneurysm in X-Men: Hellfire Gala 2023 while resisting Professor X’s attempt to force her through the gates, which is why she’s incoherent here – although how she made it back to Central Park in this condition is unclear. It’s surely not a coincidence that she wound up in the same place as her son Nightcrawler.


Oct 27

Realm of X #3 annotations

Posted on Friday, October 27, 2023 by Paul in Annotations

As always, this post contains spoilers, and page numbers go by the digital edition.

“First Blood Spilled”
Writer: Torunn Grønbekk
Artist: Bruno Oliveira
Colour artist: Rain Beredo
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Design: Tom Muller & Jay Bowen
Editor: Lauren Amaro

COVER / PAGE 1. Um…, well, that seems to be Mirage crying out on the Bifrost, with images of Thor and Sif overhead.

The original solicitation for this story reads: “No gods, only mutants! The date of the prophecy looms ahead, and despite their best efforts, the Vanir and their mutant protectors are ill-equipped to meet their destiny. Meanwhile, their enemy grows ever stronger, sinking their claws deeper into the misguided Curse. Lost and at the end of her rope, Dani beseeches her former friends in Asgard for help – but will reinforcements arrive in time to turn the tide, or have they truly been abandoned to their fate?”

Most of that solicitation is in the issue, but the closest it gets to Dani beseeching the Asgardians is four panels on page 13 where she stands under a tree and yells to the gods. Presumably it was planned to be a much more prominent plot thread when the cover was designed.


Oct 26

Dark X-Men #3 annotations

Posted on Thursday, October 26, 2023 by Paul in Annotations

As always, this post contains spoilers, and page numbers go by the digital edition.

DARK X-MEN vol 2 #3
“Darker with the Day”
Writer: Steve Foxe
Artist: Jonas Scharf
Colour artist: Frank Martin
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Design: Tom Muller & Jay Bowen
Editor: Jordan D White

COVER / PAGE 1. The Dark X-Men fight the Bamf Dragon.

PAGE 2. Flashback: Emplate arrives on Krakoa.

This is mostly recap of things we’ve already been told, although the actual panels are new.

  • Panel 1 shows Emplate shortly after arriving on Krakoa, alongside Selene and Gorgon; Exodus is present, though it’s maybe an overstatement to say that he’s welcoming Emplate rather than tolerating him. Emplate’s actual arrival on Krakoa can be seen in the background in House of X #5.
  • Panel 2 shows Apocalypse and Cypher introducing Emplate and Selene to their role of monitoring Krakoa to make sure that its feeding on mutant energy remains in safe limits. This hasn’t actually been seen before, but it was mentioned in X-Men #3 (2019).
  • Panel 3 shows Emplate watching his three sisters from a distance; they’re not actively rejecting him, though it’s a pretty safe bet that they would. But the main emphasis of this panel is simply that he’s irrelevant to them.
  • Panel 4 shows Azazel showing up to call in whatever debt it is that Emplate owes him – this arrangement has been clear in the previous two issues, but it’s not clear yet what the debt actually is.
