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Mar 10

Charts – 7 March 2025

Posted on Monday, March 10, 2025 by Paul in Music

We have a new number one, depending on how you define “new”. Plus! For the commenter last week who asked “what the f___ is that ketamine fuelled muppet orgy”, I explain who Zig and Zag were.

1. Chappell Roan – “Pink Pony Club”

Yes, it’s a quiet week and that’s part of it. But this did actually grow in sales/streams this week, and it was over 20% of “Not Like Us” at number 2. Despite 2024 being a breakout year for her, this is her first UK number 1. In fact, her Wikipedia discography only lists one previous number one anywhere in the world – “Good Luck Babe” was a number 1 in Ireland.


Mar 9

The X-Axis – 3 March 2025

Posted on Sunday, March 9, 2025 by Paul in x-axis

No Infinite Comic this week, so we’re left with…

UNCANNY X-MEN #11. (Annotations here.) We have the first three parts of “X-Manhunt” this week, which is the sort of thing that happens these days if you want to do a line wide crossover and don’t want it to last months on end. I was slightly surprised to see Tom Brevoort’s comment in today’s newsletter that “as you’d expect, reactions so far have been mixed”, considering that it’s a product he’s still in the course of promoting. He went on to say that everyone seemed to have liked at least one of the three chapters, mind you, and that may well be a fair summary of where we are after the first week.

The storyline is basically that Professor X breaks out of jail in order to save Xandra, the daughter he barely knows, and then goes on a little tour of the X-books in order to pick up the resources he needs in order to actually get to the Shi’ar Empire. The resulting three books are rather better as standalone issues than they are as a coherent whole, because… well, they’re an incoherent whole. The big set piece of part 1 is to establish that Xavier is hallucinating in a big way, that he doesn’t recognise Rogue’s team, and that he sees them as the original X-Men – who he brushes aside without much difficulty. But in the other two parts this entire plot thread is totally missing. It’s at best confusing and makes it hard for the overall storyline to generate much momentum.


Mar 8

Wolverine #7 annotations

Posted on Saturday, March 8, 2025 by Paul in Annotations

As always, this post contains spoilers, and page numbers go by the digital edition.

WOLVERINE vol 8 #7
“Ancient History”
Writer: Saladin Ahmed
Artist: Martín Cóccolo
Colour artist: Bryan Valenza
Letterer: Cory Petit
Editor: Mark Basso


Not much to say, really. He fights some people, listens to Romulus rant, and vouches for some of what Romulus says so that we know that there’s a core we should take seriously.


Wolverine (Laura Kinney). She’s there in the fight scene but doesn’t contribute much to the plot beyond that.


Romulus. The story cuts through his garbled and confusing history by having Laura describe him as “the guy who claims to have founded Rome” and “to be the origin of our bloodline”, and immediately having Logan say that “Most of it’s lies and head games.” In other words, all that really matters for present purposes is that he makes these grandiose and self-mythologising claims about himself, which are probably (but not definitively) false. The story does seem to want us to accept that he’s been around since the classical era but it doesn’t greatly matter whether we believe his claim to be the mythological Romulus, co-founder and first king of Rome. Wolverine certainly believes that he’s been around since “before Jesus was born”.


Mar 7

Storm #6 annotations

Posted on Friday, March 7, 2025 by Paul in Annotations

As always, this post contains spoilers, and page numbers go by the digital edition.

STORM vol 5 #6
“X-Manhunt, part 3: Thundercloud”
Writer: Murewa Ayodele
Artist: Luciano Vecchio
Colour artists: Alex Guimarães & Rachelle Rosenberg
Letterer: Travis Lanham
Editor: Tom Brevoort

This is part 3 of the “X-Manhunt” crossover. We skipped issue #5, because it came out in a massively overloaded week.


And since we skipped last issue, a recap might be useful. In issue #1, Storm contracted radiation poisoning. In issue #3, she’s cured by the evil spirit Eégún in exchange for her agreeing to refrain from using her powers for a week. In issue #4, she breaks that deal to save an innocent from Dr Doom, and is immediately struck dead. In issue #5, she is resurrected by Eternity, and becomes his host. (It wasn’t actually clearly stated in the previous issue that her cosmic persona was Eternity, but this issue clarifies it by referring in passing to Oblivion as “my brother”.) For most of the previous issue, Eternity speaks through Storm and talks about her as if she’s a host body with some residual influence on what he’s doing. In this issue she’s just back to normal, until page 15 when she starts talking in the white-on-blue speech balloons from the previous issue, for no terribly obvious reason.


Mar 6

NYX #9 annotations

Posted on Thursday, March 6, 2025 by Paul in Annotations

As always, this post contains spoilers, and page numbers go by the digital edition.

NYX vol 2 #9
“X-Manhunt, part 2: Charles”
Writers: Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly
Artist: Francesco Mortarino
Colour artist: Raúl Angulo
Letterer: Joe Sabino
Editor: Annalise Bissa

This issue is part of the “X-Manhunt” crossover, and also a tie-in to One World Under Doom (though that’s not billed on the cover). And it’s also the penultimate issue before cancellation with issue #10. So a lot to do.


Sophie Cuckoo. Her powers have returned to an extent, but she says they’re “still glitching half the time.”

She’s still playing Summoner, which was previously mentioned in issue #6 as a game that she’d become obsessed with after losing her powers in issue #5; it was indicated that she was spending more time on the chat function than actually playing the game, and we learn here that she’s talking to someone called TarnishedMoodRing who seems to be a boyfriend. The art indicates that the game has Krakoan-era mutant iconography – at least in a meta sense, with the graphics using the font that we as readers recognise from Krakoan-era logos, and what looks to be a version of the Marauders symbol.


Mar 5

Uncanny X-Men #11 annotations

Posted on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 by Paul in Annotations

As always, this post contains spoilers, and page numbers go by the digital edition.

UNCANNY X-MEN vol 6 #11
“X-Manhunt, part 1: Echoes of Madness”
Writer: Gail Simone
Artist: Javier Garrón
Colour artist: Matthew Wilson
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Editor: Tom Brevoort

This is part of the “X-Manhunt” crossover, which ships its first three chapters in a single week. It doesn’t come up in this issue, but part two establishes that One World Under Doom is also in full flow at this point. The plot of that series basically involves Doom getting all national governments to pledge allegiance to him, presumably through magical means, which is why the normal day-to-day authorities are continuing to operate.


Rogue. Despite running the cuddly X-Men team, she’s becoming worried that everyone is treating their training exercise as a game, and that it’s actually making people complacent – the Outliers in particular. In classic Claremont fashion, her solution to this problem is to have Gambit chuck an exploding card at one of the group in the middle of a training session which has been specifically described to the kids as a game. Gambit sides with her on this, and doesn’t even seem particularly bothered about it. Wolverine says that he understands but seems a bit less convinced.


Mar 3

House to Astonish Presents: The Lightning Round Episode 24

Posted on Monday, March 3, 2025 by Al in Podcast

We’re back in re-reading mode this time round, and we’re taking a look at Thunderbolts issues 60-62, as Marvel’s Most Wanted put the T in both TBolts and Teleported To counTer-earTh. What will our heroes do when confronted by the planet of doomed NPCs? What is the dark secret of Fixer’s terrible Tamagotchi? And how do power-dampening manacles work when your power is “big teeth”? All this and definitely some more, Thunderbuddies!

(We should have called this podcast Thunderstudies, shouldn’t we? Ah well.)

The episode is here, or available via the embedded player below. Let us know what you think, in the comments, via email, or over on Bluesky. And if you want a House to Astonish t-shirt that will make you look cool and keep you warm, then that’s a helluva coincidence, because we’ve got you sorted.

Mar 2

Daredevil Villains #47: Brother Zed

Posted on Sunday, March 2, 2025 by Paul in Daredevil

DAREDEVIL #130 (February 1976)
“Look Out, DD – Here Comes the Death-Man!”
Writer, editor: Marv Wolfman
Penciler: Bob Brown
Inker: Klaus Janson
Colourist: Michele Wolfman
Letterer: John Costanza

Once again, we’ve skipped some issues. Issues #126-127 are the debut of the Torpedo, a rookie rival superhero who does the obligatory misunderstanding-and-fight routine. He actually had some legs: he returns in issue #134 as a supporting character, then gets a try-out as a solo hero in Marvel Premiere , and finally winds up as a supporting character in Rom. But he’s not a villain, so he’s outside our remit. Issue #128 is another Death-Stalker story. And issue #129 brings back the Man-Bull.

In fact, focussing on the new villains will give us a rather unrepresentative view of Marv Wolfman’s run. He’s the first writer who seems to have looked at Daredevil’s pre-established rogue’s gallery and deemed them to be basically serviceable. There are only a handful of new villains in his run. And one of them is a very big name, but we’ll get to him.

It’s not that Wolfman didn’t create new characters for the book. He absolutely did, but they were mostly supporting characters. As well as the Torpedo, the issues we’ve skipped introduce Daredevil’s new love interest, Heather Glenn. We might not have much reason to talk about her here for a while, since her first major storyline involves the Purple Man, but she’s a major character who’ll stick around well into the 1980s. At this point, she’s a sort of prototype manic pixie dream girl.


Mar 1

Charts – 28 February 2025

Posted on Saturday, March 1, 2025 by Paul in Music

This is a fairly busy week in terms of chart movement, but quite a quiet one in terms of actual listening…

1. Kendrick Lamar – “Not Like Us”

Two weeks, but it has the lowest chart score for a number 1 single in 70 weeks. It holds on by default more than anything else. He still has two other singles in the top 10, both with SZA: “Luther” at 6 and “All the Stars” at 7.

10. Tate McRae – “Revolving Door”
25. Tate McRae – “I Know Love”

Her third album “So Close To What” enters the album chart at number 2, which is her best position to date – her first two albums reached 7 and 5. This turns out to be a bigger deal than I’d expected in terms of the singles chart, as she maxes out her three songs, with “Sports Car” returning to the top 10 and hitting a new peak of number 3. It becomes her joint highest placing single along with “You Broke Me First” (2020) and “Greedy” (2023).


Feb 28

The X-Axis – w/c 24 February 2025

Posted on Friday, February 28, 2025 by Paul in x-axis

ASTONISHING X-MEN INFINITY COMIC #12. By Tim Seeley, Edoardo Audino, KJ Díaz, Clayton Cowles, Darren Shan. So the thing about Black Tom going mad turns out to be a teaser for another storyline, which was perhaps inevitable given how much he’d been kept to the margins of the story after the set-up. What that leaves us with is a Juggernaut rehabilitation story with some very nice art but which feels like it’s way, way too late – the Juggernaut first joined the X-Men over twenty years ago, for heaven’s sake! Even his last run as a villain ended before Krakoa. This would be a good story if it wasn’t so detached from where the Juggernaut actually is right now, but… well, that’s a problem, isn’t it?

X-MEN #12. (Annotations here.) Mmm. I know Jed MacKay is Canadian, and I know this is kind of the status quo that was inherited from the previous editorial office, and I even think the new Vindicator is an interesting character, but… Canada is the North American country where the people who opposed Orchis are still in jail? Canada? Seriously? Because I don’t think you can do that story in 2025. At a bare minimum, it’s extremely tone deaf. At worst… look, I realise there are lead in times involved here and so forth, but my gut reaction to the whole angle was still a strong one. This sort of dissonance is likely to be an increasing problem for the X-books and Marvel in general in the coming months and years as the lead-in time issue fades away and the reality of writing X-Men stories for Disney under the second Trump administration sinks in – and I have a sinking feeling about how I’m going to feel about that. Maybe the creators will have a better idea of how to thread that needle. None of which is really a direct reflection on this issue, of course. But look, it’s the main thing I was left thinking about.
